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Obre br. 47 72246 Čatiċi Kakanj
Bosnia and Herzegovina -
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The need for heating is one of the basic human needs. Many methods of heating have been used throughout history, and today solid fuels, electricity, solar energy, fuel oil, and other methods are most often used for heating. In order to achieve maximum utilization of these resources, in our offer you can find all necessary elements for successful installation of heating: Boilers for central heating, circulation pumps, radiators, fittings (thermovalves, thermoheads, etc.), heating pipes (Cu, PVC etc.), connecting fittings (for welding, press system, etc., other supporting equipment for a complete installation of central heating.
Heat pumps are devices with a very high efficiency, which draw energy from the environment. The energy drawn by the heat pump is provided by nature completely free of charge, and from 1 kW of electricity, it produces 3 to 5 kW of heat energy.
It is independent of fossil fuels and contributes to the reduction of CO2, thus contributing to the preservation of nature. In addition to heating and hot water, they can also cool, which is a big advantage compared to traditional heating systems. There is no need to build a chimney, and only 1 m2 is required for installation.
In order to be as cost-effective as possible, it is recommended that they be connected to low-temperature heating systems (floor, wall and ceiling heating).
Heat pumps are devices that take energy from one place and transfer it to another place that needs heating or cooling. Heat pumps use air, earth and groundwater energy. This means that they do not produce energy, but redirect it from existing sources.
Best of all, they do it very efficiently. That is why their installation pays off very quickly. Another advantage of heat pumps is that they are completely harmless to the environment.